“Exclusively for Everybody:” Curated Herbs, Mixologist Digs, Deconstructed Martini Shenanigans

Anti Mixologists Get Mixed Message

Smirnoff’s “The Party:” Anti mixologists get mixed message, lots of vodka 

“Vodka, at its core has always been the drink of the people; approachable and accessible for everyone.”

This is how Smirnoff, the world’s number one-selling premium spirit, kicks off its latest marketing campaign: Exclusively for Everybody.  Now, usually when we get wind of such generic-sounding, impossibly all-encompassing marketing jargon we are wary.  In this case, in fact, we were way beyond wary.  Because doesn’t every Marketing 101 class tell you that in trying to appeal to everyone (i.e. “the world is my target audience”) you really wind up appealing to, well, no one?

The Party

Name Lameness (“The Party,” Really?)

And yet, in spite of the truth of that fundamental factoid, Smirnoff’s “Everybody” campaign – distilled into an amusing short video called “The Party” – works.  Humor always helps, and so does a fair share of clever mixologist digs (“I went to seven years of school for that in Stockholm”), a couple of actors with street cred (hello Adam Scott of Parks and Rec!) and a – crucial, we feel – Ralph Macchio cameo.  The sum of these improbable ingredients is that we are in fact newly intrigued by Smirnoffcan somebody please pass us a bloody, stat?

Mixologist Smelling

Our Mixologist emerges in Scott’s robe, declares drink perfect but the futon “unforgiving”

Mixologist Shenanigans

Naturally, we enjoyed the video’s sendup of mixology and its most passionate players.  What’s funniest to us isn’t actually the way the mixologist uses ten tools – including an illegal flame torch – to make a “deconstructed martini” or sports the requisite facial hair – it’s the sweet denouement when he emerges clad in Scott’s bathrobe (??) the morning after the party, grabs a basic bloody and declares it perfect.  We love our drinks both complex and simple in these parts – and we fully support said mixologist whether he takes ten steps or none to arrive at the perfect drink.

Last Look: The Party

“He has a point” – on mixologist’s reco they trade up to a Tibetan sleep sack (natch!)

Street Cred, Waxing On…

The verdict: Directed by the Russo Brothers of Arrested Development fame – and also starring the acerbic yet adorable Alison Brie of NBC’s Community – this a quick, boozy flick we recommend.  Tip: watch with drink in hand for optimal intake.  *CHEERS*

Oh, and RE: the Macchio cameo (there’s even a related dance move)? You’ve just got to see it to believe it.

– Courtney Cochran